Hey y'all! I'm looking for a pixel artist to help out on my game!

"Enigma Heart" is a retro-styled side-scrolling action RPG. There are no palette restrictions, although I would like to keep the visual style in roughly the SNES era. Tile size is 16x16; most characters are 1 tile x 2 tiles (16x32).

Some of the graphics have already been done by me and other artists, so a style similar to ours/ability to match it, is a must. Screenshots of the game (as it currently stands) are attached to this post.

Needed are graphics of the player character, some NPCs, monsters, and dungeon and town backdrops/tilesets.

This is a paid gig, and rates can be discussed. Please reply or DM if interested.

Boosts are requested, and greatly appreciated!

RT @kamiyamaneki@x.com: リクエストありがとうございました!✨全体図と差分はSkebのページから~