I keep surprising people with my #Lisp indentation style. Wait, indentation styles in Lisp? Yes, indentation styles in Lisp. Here's my new #blogpost on what indentation styles there are and why I chose the most controversial one!
tags: #blogpost #lisp
tags: #lisp #perl
to: https://mastodon.social/users/ChristosArgyrop https://merveilles.town/users/gosha
@gosha A quote from the book that I think you'll like, @ChristosArgyrop :
"If lisp is the result of taking syntax away, Perl is the result of taking syntax all the way." [p.342]
#lisp #perl
tags: #lisp #macros
to: https://merveilles.town/users/gosha
@gosha Doug Hoyte's perspective on macros as the prime source of Lisp's interest and power is eye-opening for me. By middle of Ch.3, already I can see this book will reward every effort I put into reading it.
tags: #forth #lisp
As a #Lisp fan, I was sold on this book as soon as I read the back cover blurb, and just had to get myself a copy. Can’t wait to dive in! (I’m very curious about the #Forth connection too)
Parts of it are also available online:
Lem editor news: M-x legit-status now shows the list of stashes.
We can view them (as diff), stash our changes, pop and drop the stash at point.
This is a delightful exploration of why the #Lisp syntax works so well:
tags: #lisp #scheme
to: https://bonk.cozysumo.space/u/knapjack
@knapjack Lisp, and the better version Scheme, are very worth learning and using now. They're advanced languages that make it easier to build what you want. Start with SICP
and see how quick you pick it up.
Hey ancient tech people: is #Lisp still worth learning? Asking for someone who needs more parentheses.
(if (> height 6ft) (get-girlfriend) (be-incel))