Mind: :neocat_flop_sleep:
Body: :neocat_flop_sleep:
Leg: :partyparrot:

Yesterday's #adhd tests have me feeling very strong imposter syndrome today.

[I had a whole explanation typed here. But then I imagined reading the same thing written by somebody else and it fell apart.

The subject of a CPT attention test almost certainly cannot tell exactly how well they are doing--it's measuring milliseconds.

You also can't claim that one of the tests was "impossible" and that "nobody could do this" and then believe you don't have the thing the test is looking for (whatever that was in this case)

Also, a lot of these tests were not ADHD-specific. They are also ruling out early dementia, other intellectual handicaps, etc.]

And now time to go take my #ADHD meds. Whoops!

#ADHD Drugs update:

CVS near me consistently takes weeks or more to give me my adderall. Anything else is usually a next day turnaround.

Frustrated with this BS I rolled the dice, found the next nearest CVS with a drive through, & had the new prescription sent there. They filled it within HOURS.

Starting to wonder if my local CVS has one of those pharmacists that refuses to believe in stimulant meds for ADHD & is intentionally not filling ADHD scripts.

I have determined that the object in the "risk of explosion" safety symbol does not obey conservation of area.

I will not be taking questions at this time.

Only with #ADHD can I get so much done without actually accomplishing anything I set out to do.
The task: learn just enough #OpenSCAD to model a pipe.
The result: #neovim OpenSCAD LSP set up, a few OpenSCAD libraries not relevant at all installed, #chezmoi set up to pull a few down from GitHub, Neovim config tweaked again, tweaked a 3D print model to hopefully print successfully, found a bunch of 3D print models for kitsune and phoenixes to go through, why is one DNS server not reporting…

The #ADHD problem: bored out of my skull in this waiting room so I brought a #TeenageEngineering Pocket Operator to play with, but I’m too terrified of missing them calling my name to pick it up.

partner: *starts talking to me while I am concentrating on something else, so I only hear the last two words*

me: honey, remember how I said you need to tap me before you start talking so my brain realises it needs to switch focus?

partner: oh right! sorry! it's like waking up a computer from standby, I have to wiggle the mouse first

me: ...yes, that is EXACTLY what it's like

neuron divergent

You know what’s a GREAT idea? Let’s take #ADHD folks - who have trouble focusing - and make them jump through crazy hoops and red tape to get the medication that helps them focus.

Very cool, American healthcare, very cool. :blobfoxangry: