Yes, these will do nicely.

New 3 color linocut print I just finished last night. Hopefully people like these at the art market next weekend. Also will be running a variant color for guerilla art drops in the future...

‘Yr Wyddor Gymraeg’ (the Welsh alphabet), a 17.5 x 25.5 cm linocut on 145 gsm Zerkall paper. Unlike the English alphabet, yr wyddor Gymraeg has no letter K, Q, V, X, or Z, and in contrast again yn Gymraeg the following are all individual letters: Ch, Dd, Ff, Ng, Ll, Ph, Rh, and Th. Ff is pronounced like the English F, and Welsh F like the English V.

2024 new year greeting card. 3 color reduction linocut.

Study of a man in grey lino for a print that I have in mind on the passing of time. The great thing about pressing prints by hand is that you can vary the pressure applied across the surface of the print and therein achieve interesting tonal effects.

I recently made this portrait of a wee little tortie cat and was pleased I managed to capture her tortoiseshell pattern and tiny cocked ear.

6 × 8” linocut relief print, CC BY 4.0

For #sciartSeptember prompt royal: Queen Seondeok of Silla (c. 595 ~ 610 - 647), 27th ruler of 1 of the Three Kingdoms of Korea, from 632-647, who brought about a renaissance in culture & science & built the Cheomseongdae moon & star-gazing observatory.

Known for her intelligence, wisdom & benevolence, stories survive of her curiosity & cleverness even as a child. When her father the King was gifted peony seeds 🧵1/n

I made an elderly lady to go with the elderly man. Now it’s time to think about how I will shape the setting.

I made this linocut from a different photo of a loon on this lake, taken a few summers ago.