
Gravure - eau forte et aquatinte - imprimée à l'Atelier Circulaire de Montréal


Macleod's Table North from Ceann Liam - etching - 20x19 cm - edition of 15.

Yes, these will do nicely.

New 3 color linocut print I just finished last night. Hopefully people like these at the art market next weekend. Also will be running a variant color for guerilla art drops in the future...

‘Yr Wyddor Gymraeg’ (the Welsh alphabet), a 17.5 x 25.5 cm linocut on 145 gsm Zerkall paper. Unlike the English alphabet, yr wyddor Gymraeg has no letter K, Q, V, X, or Z, and in contrast again yn Gymraeg the following are all individual letters: Ch, Dd, Ff, Ng, Ll, Ph, Rh, and Th. Ff is pronounced like the English F, and Welsh F like the English V.

Most recent scraperboard exercise, adapted from a design by wood engraver Agnes Miller Parker (Agnes knows skies, wow)

Un air plus vrai que celui du présent.



2024 new year greeting card. 3 color reduction linocut.

A circular fisheye of mirror lake from Yosemite on new years. Photogravure on gampi tissue and gilded with gold.

Album artwork I made for Swiss sludge/black metal band Wizards of Wiznan! Releases on the 30th.

A heartfelt thank you to the amazing art community that has supported and encouraged me as I live my dream of being a full time artist. It's been a wonderful journey, and still so much more to create and discover!

Patrons are just as much a part of the artwork as the artist (maybe more)-thank you for believing in me!

Layer 4 of our woodcut-ORANGE!!!!

Ibis. From 2018 or so, I think? Definitely from before I started the 50 birds series. The design of the bird is almost like a line drawing. I like the contrast between the graphic shapes of the bird and the more painterly background.


Etching on zinc printed on grey canson paper and white acrylic paint.

Im Dorfe - Winterreise

Etching on zinc.

I recently made this portrait of a wee little tortie cat and was pleased I managed to capture her tortoiseshell pattern and tiny cocked ear.

I usually don't post twice in one day, but I've been so excited about finishing this woodcut and showing it off: Ladies and Gentlemen----my latest woodcut: CARDINALS!!!!

It's a 6x12 woodcut on 8x15" paper--and there are only 18 in this edition. If you'd like to add one of these to your art collection (and support my work) I am taking orders on my website starting now.

Wishing a Happy Halloween to those who celebrate!

Good morning friends!

I have finished editioning the Goat In Cornfield woodcut, here's a better photo of it:

If you'd like a closer look or info on how to add one (there are only 17) to your collection, visit my website!

Hope you all are having a great day!!!

"Quantum" 70x100cm Linocut print inspired by quantum physics & Sci-Fi.

Black satogami paper

Limited to 200ex

[Still Available - website in bio ]

6 × 8” linocut relief print, CC BY 4.0

For #sciartSeptember prompt royal: Queen Seondeok of Silla (c. 595 ~ 610 - 647), 27th ruler of 1 of the Three Kingdoms of Korea, from 632-647, who brought about a renaissance in culture & science & built the Cheomseongdae moon & star-gazing observatory.

Known for her intelligence, wisdom & benevolence, stories survive of her curiosity & cleverness even as a child. When her father the King was gifted peony seeds 🧵1/n

Eurasian Hobby / Boomvalk / Falco subbuteo

This is probably my most ambitious bird print yet, with 13 impressions and a full 40 hours of getting the edition printed.


little fishy

New etching - "The Cuillins from Rum" - 30x10 cm - edition of 20.

Based on a quick sketch made from the shoreline on the Isle of Rum last summer while on a residency with Sail Britain (

My first woodcut of the season is dry, signed and editioned!

Camera Cat -
8x10 woodcut printed on 11x14 heavyweight, acid free, 100% post consumer recycled paper

Signed by the artist - Limited Editon of 22

Editioning is done! Upturned Boats is finished. I think I got about 27 good ones.

Warmer yellow, lighter blue, lighter dark grey. I think it all works well.

Nothing lines up! It was great fun to make and I will take all this learning going foward. This is not the end of me making stencils but just the beginning.

I made this linocut from a different photo of a loon on this lake, taken a few summers ago.