Bonsoir tout le monde,
Voilà un dessin aux crayons de couleur que j'ai réalisé pour une affiche de festival de contes ^^
À bientôt!

Purple heron.
Édouard Traviès, from "Dictionnaire universel d'histoire naturelle," atlas, vol. 1 by Charles Henry Dessalines d'Orbigny, Paris: 1849

We just had a pileated #woodpecker couple in our back yard! We’ve only seen one at a time briefly before but this time it was a couple in clear sight (except when I tried photographing them 🤦🏽‍♂️).

They are 16-19” long and the inspiration for Woody Woodpecker.

The 2nd pic is not mine, I’m sharing it so you can see what these magnificent #birds look like.

European nightjar.
John Gerrard Keulemans, from "Coloured figures of the birds of the British islands," vol. 2, issued by Thomas Powys, 4th Baron Lilford, London: 1885-1897

Great spotted woodpecker.
John Gerrard Keulemans, from "Coloured figures of the birds of the British islands," vol. 2, issued by Thomas Powys, 4th Baron Lilford, London: 1885-1897

European crested tit.
John Gerrard Keulemans, from "Coloured figures of the birds of the British islands," vol. 2, issued by Thomas Powys, 4th Baron Lilford, London: 1885-1897

Birds before work (I went through a secret door to find some cormorants)


✨ On continue avec les Avocettes !!✨

Un jour ici je ferai une #introduction ... Un jour.
En attendant ⤵️ un oiseau.
Réalisé pour un projet FALC = Facile à Lire et à Comprendre. Adapté à un public en situation de handicap. Les illustrations seront affichées sur des panneaux au Marais de Séné !
#oiseaux #painting #birds #bird #birdpainting #birdphotography #photonature #wildlife #wildlifephotography #illustration #natureillustrations #naturaliste #biodiversité

I finally got a good picture of the dickcissel that's been hanging out in Riverside Park in NYC of late. It's good that it showed up when it did; the weather wasn’t pleasant for standing around and removing a glove to take pictures… Also: a black-capped chickadee, a red-bellied woodpecker finding food in an unusual spot for it—on the ground—and a white-breasted nuthatch, as is common upside down.

My #Robin friend Little Mate giving his Christmas speech this morning. We hope everyone has a good day. In #Bath #Somerset #UK.

Lesser spotted eagle.
John Gould & Henry Constantine Richter, from "The Birds of Great Britain," vol. 1 by John Gould, London: 1873


Etching on zinc printed on grey canson paper and white acrylic paint.

Angelic Raven. No photoshop weirdness here, just a ridiculously slow shutter speed. 🤘

I usually don't post twice in one day, but I've been so excited about finishing this woodcut and showing it off: Ladies and Gentlemen----my latest woodcut: CARDINALS!!!!

It's a 6x12 woodcut on 8x15" paper--and there are only 18 in this edition. If you'd like to add one of these to your art collection (and support my work) I am taking orders on my website starting now.

Wishing a Happy Halloween to those who celebrate!

Great grey shrike.
John Gerrard Keulemans, from "Coloured figures of the birds of the British islands," vol. 2 issued by Thomas Powys, 4th Baron Lilford London: R. H. Porter, 1885-1897

I've been spending too much time at my desk and not enough time out looking at birds. It was good to see this warbler a little while ago.

Kingfisher (Alcedo atthis, 🇩🇪 Eisvogel, 🇵🇱 zimorodek).


Fork-tailed flycatcher.
From "The Birds of America," vol. 1 written & illustrated by John James Audubon, New York, Philadelphia: 1840

California condor.
From "The Birds of America," vol. 1 written & illustrated by John James Audubon, New York, Philadelphia: 1840

From "The Birds of America," vol. 1 written & illustrated by John James Audubon, New York, Philadelphia: 1840

Up and down.

This weekend was Tet Zoo Con 2024, here are some of the brilliant artists who were there...

Western marsh harrier.
John Gould & Henry Constantine Richter, from "The Birds of Great Britain," vol. 1 by John Gould, London: 1873

A winter wren sings a song of changing seasons, the end of summer and the arrival of fall

Acrylic ink & pencils on 9x12" hotpress paper

Big & little prints available