The day's end.
even now,

nearing the
dusky vow.

A birdsong
lingers a
little more.

Original painting available at

What is
this intrusion
into your peaceful thoughts?
An unexpected, unwelcome

Original artwork SOLD at

Have always loved this poem

“I was struck by lightning.
The strangest thing

Wasn't the flash of my hair
Catching on fire,

But the way people pretended
Nothing had happened.”

~David Orr #poetry

You come visit me,
hang over me like the moon,
your light a blessing.

Original painting on offer at

at night
a lamplight
for their studies
of that which defies,
well, all you've ever known.
Are they a cloister or cult?
It's impossible to tell, since
no one has ever really seen them.

Original available at

There's a mouth
that will devour you.
It's somewhere
around here.
It gawps, like a patient dog,
anytime you're near.

Painting available at

I wrap up my life
I had with you
wrap my arms around
what I know true
wrap my legs around
you nevermore
wrap in mourning lace
my tender core

#vsspoem - #wrap
#WritingCommunity #poetry
