Monarch Of The Misty Glen

A stag pictured near the shore of a loch in the Scottish Highlands, on a very misty afternoon.

Dawn glow and lots of snow getting shifted about on a bitterly cold north westerly. This morning up on the Cairngorms

William Hole, from "The Poetry of Robert Burns," vol. 3 Edinburgh: 1897

Where Stinchar flows.
William Hole, from "The Poetry of Robert Burns," vol. 3 Edinburgh: 1897

William Hole, from "The Poetry of Robert Burns," vol. 2 Edinburgh: 1896

When I was taking this photo a guy passed and said 'You missed it!' (referring to a point perceived as the best of the bluebells) to which I smiled and said 'Did I?'.

Film - Ektar 100

Wishing everyone peaceful and happy holidays! Thank you so much for following along for what has been an incredible year (I'll reflect more on 2024 in another post). For now, here are 4 new winter images from Scotland's Ancient Caledonian Forest. Enjoy :)

Happy winter solstice.

Here's four on medium format from summer solstice.

scotland in winter
an evening walk at 2pm.

......and on that note, just a reminder that winter solstice is on Sat, 21 Dec 2024, 9:20 am

The incredible (and often overlooked) mountain landscape of the Isle of Harris, Scotland. This place is rugged and unvisited, partly because the beaches of the island steal away attention and partly because of its unforgiving character. Many of these areas are fairly unexplored in terms of photography and I'm excited to spend a bit more time doing just that over the coming years.

Am lucky that I landed here on Mastodon 2 yrs ago instead of #Bluesky or #Threads as they were trying to mimic that dumpster fire place.

I told myself I would not join another corporate social media site from scratch. With no true tech background I figured out how this worked, reached out and found fellow birdsite friends amongst the rubble.

Thank you to @trumpet and team for allowing me to join here on the #scotland instance. (That's another story lol) ❤️

Autumnal colours at the footbridge over the River Dee at the Cambus o’May. This one is a scan of a negative taken with an Olympus Trip 35 loaded with a reel of Kodak Gold 200 film