feira da ladra

on #kodakvision3 #kodakvision200t
thanks to #silbersalz35
#FilmPhotography #LisbonFilm #AnalogArtistry #LisbonExploration #FilmCommunity #filmphotography #35mm #film #analog #lisboa #art #photography #urbanphotography
#shootfilm #truecinefilm #film #analogphotography #silbersalzfilm #ecn-2

We were shamed into watching The Conversation by @4Dgifts. it was great. #film #cinema


📷 Canon EOS30
🎞️ Fomapan 400
🧪 Adox XT-3


Prague commute

📷 Canon EOS30
🎞️ Ilford P3 expired 2010
🧪 Adox XT-3

Queda't amb qui té mire així Les feuilles mortes.

📍Xàtiva, País Valencià.
📷 Minolta X-700
🎞 Ilford XP2 400 asa

#photography #fotografia #35mm #analògic #analog #portrait #film #Xàtiva

Happy winter solstice.

Here's four on medium format from summer solstice.

I think I finally found the perfect use-case for pixel-shift super-resolution: scanning film.

✓ Subject is immobile, so no motion artifacts
✓ On a 24MP sensor, most film grain is larger than sensor noise after merging, so sensor noise essentially vanishes once downscaled

Here's two scans of the same frame, first done on the lab using a Noritsu professional scanner, and the second done using my Nikon Z6 III pixel-shift mode, then downscaled.

📷 Canon EOS7
🎞️ Fuji Superia 200 expired 2006

I bloody love this picture though!

#CatsOfMastodon #HorrorFam

And whenever he lost sight of the dog he started following the helicopter around 😂

#CatsOfMastodon #HorrorFam

So I was trying to watch #TheThing the other night, and my cat got fascinated by the dog running through the snow in the opening sequence lol

#CatsOfMastodon #HorrorFam

I really want to try medium format film, but I don’t have a medium format camera and I really don’t want to spend any noteworthy amount of money on one.

Should I get a Holga (a cheap plastic toy camera that just happens to shoot medium format film) just to dip my toes into the water, so to speak? Will that turn me off of the whole thing, or will it send me spiraling down a rabbit hole that my bank account and I will never recover from?

Why can’t I just make a decision?

On an unrelated note, our drive to Vermont to see the kids tomorrow has been postponed for one day. That should not make me sad (we’ll see them Sunday instead of Saturday) but it really makes me sad. I think I might be overtired. Everything is getting to me right now. Go take a nap, Robert.


8 rolls developed and 4 scanned as of tonight. So far these pictures from Kinderdijk are my favorites. Ilford HP5+

I’ve already learned that I need to work on intentionally spot metering (unsure if that is the right term), and that the monobath does *not* play nice with Kodak TMax 100.

D-76 gets here tomorrow.

Horned ||
#analogphotography of a rare type of #sheep you can see on the isle of #Jersey : the Loaghtan was originaly from the isle of #Manx.
#Film was a #kodakportra400 with a #Bessaflex TM. Lens was a #SMC #takumar 50mm f1.4. Exposure parameters was f3.5 at 1/250.

I've just got the scans back from my first B&W film for over 50 years. I'd gotten a Oly OM-1 from an auction + some lenses, mint condition. I have to say, I'm really happy with the results. Plenty to work on photographically, but the kit is performing 100%. Here's a "grab shot" as a pony trekking brigade came through Robin Hoods Bay. 1st is simply scanned, 2nd cropped and contrast changed. Film cheapo ISO 400.

Near water • 2023

Fed 5 • Svema/Astrum 200
Rodinal • Epson v500

📷 Nikon FA
🎞️ Agfa Aviphot 200

A selfie is snapped from atop one of the stone benches in Times Square.

It is raining season here in Mexico City

Pentax MX
Ilford HP5+

Kid • 2022

Zenit 122 • Rollei RPX 400

A person sits by a fountain reading as water arcs through the air.

Hmm, the most difficult way to get a Screen Actor's Guild card -- become an extra for a film production and get paid pennies, and hope a SAG extra drops out and you get selected for their slot (or so it appears). I guess if you want to sit around and watch someone film something and live in North Carolina... -->