This was a fairly dark negative and it took a bunch of tries to get a decent print.
I probably also need to adjust my feelings for exposure times to reflect the season.
Also, I've been spending more time working actually at my work lately, which interferes with getting optimal sunlight conditions :)
This is a streetcar from Atlantic City, NJ. But looks like a #PCC but it's actually a "Brilliner".

I created my own custom #emoji "from scratch" for the #Philly #trolley! Behold: :trolley:

It should match the :mfl: :nhsl: :bsl: :bus_septa: emoji Jawns already had.

I pulled the logo from Wikipedia as an SVG. Then I used Inkscape to make it a 400x400 PNG, since the emoji is apparently displayed as 20x20 by default and this should make it look crisp at any resolution:

inkscape -w 400 -h 400 input.svg -o output.png

Then I used Curtail to make the file size smaller with lossy PNG compression.