Don’t Fuck With #Scroll

#ui #ux #web (via @adactio)

Designer: "Let's put the login button next to a delete button (that doesn't confirm)".


@fosstodon Jump, jump, jump! Everybody loves content layout shift.

Really, @Gargron just happily releases this and nobody checks if it works? What happened to using multiple browsers to test? What happened to using CSS that works?

Have a meme I made myself a long time ago

It's really frustrating when people just, decide that nobody likes flat design and that it was all a unified corporate push to change culture or some nonsense like that

I like it. My favourite design language of all time is the original Metro. It's what got me into design in the first place

Feels like some people just, decided one day that it's unanimously agreed that we should return to 2007 design because, idk, nostalgia and terrible implementations of flat and flat-ish design by companies who didn't care enough to actually try

But I guess I'm a corporate shill and controlled opposition now wheeeee