This toot is a reminder of the existence of progressive enhancement in web development.

Not only is it important for accessibility, it also provides added benefits in terms of backwards compatibility and better performance by some metrics.

May I just say so myself that I‘m loving playing with Kitten¹ to build Domain² (shown below) and Place³.


New year, new role @Mastodon!

Our core team is looking for a senior Front-end Developer to elevate the web UI/UX experience for our users.


1. You are highly skilled in accessible and semantic #HTML
2. Proficient in modern #CSS
3. Experienced with #Javascript, #Typescript and complex React/Redux applications

This remote full-time position requires a 4-hour overlap with the CET timezone.

For more info/to apply:

Truism that has to be repeated for yet another year: Knowing #CSS is mastery to #Frontend Development — @helloanselm

am i trying too hard here

Hi everyone, I am now looking for full-time work! If you have a remote Software Engineer position available and work with #Frontend web tech (#HTML / #CSS / #JS / #TS / #React, etc), #NodeJS (or #Bun / #Deno ), #Kubernetes, or #Nix / #NixOS then please reach out! I love building tools to solve problems and delight users.

For examples of my previous work, links to my projects, and my resume, please see my website:

Boosts very much appreciated!

I was concerned I might've been too critical of Tailwind users. After all, I had never used it and so many people swear by it.

Well, now I've used it... And I **hate** Tailwind.

I just made a typical 4-page blog site with filler text and no actual functionality. It's nothing special. This is the project that I usually use when I'm learning something new.

You don't need to write CSS if you're using Tailwind, but you do need a good understanding of CSS to use the utility classes effectively.

For example, how would someone make sense of `grid gap-4 px-4 grid-cols-[min-content_auto_min-content] grid-rows-[4rem_max-content_max-content_3rem]` without a pretty good understanding of CSS grid?

It seems to me that this would be even more difficult for newer devs who haven't spent years learning CSS.

I dunno. I gotta be wrong because I've seen people with serious dev skills say they wouldn't even consider writing CSS again since they discovered Tailwind.

@fosstodon Jump, jump, jump! Everybody loves content layout shift.

Really, @Gargron just happily releases this and nobody checks if it works? What happened to using multiple browsers to test? What happened to using CSS that works?

I want to take a #web page and mangle it in such a way it looks the same, but is self-contained...

Ideally in a way that supports:
- adblock
- #stripping un-used #css/#javascript
- spits out the fewest files (images don't need to be data url'ed)
- A #selfhosted API

...mostly for automatically #archiving articles I reference by url... I'm not planning on doing this to an SPA or some react nightmare...

I'd prefer it not be a #screenshot, or a print-to-pdf, but maybe that's chill too?

A lot of the argument for #Tailwind, as far as I've seen, seems to boil down to "css is just too hard, nobody can ever get this right" and that is just not my experience at all with #CSS. I really can't escape the conclusion (pointed out many times already) that engineers just don't see CSS as valuable/worthwhile, so they don't take the time to learn it, and then they complain that they can't use it effectively.

Why is `dialog::backdrop` not working with dialog elements opened with `<dialog open>`?