I would like a matching half for "paste without style", where a web page or other UI become inactive while I select text.

If your page is a shopping cart, and i can't select the product name because you pop a bubble, this mode would stop it.

If your page is a webmail interface, and clicking a from name expands it, or opens the address book or removes the contact, this mode would stop it.

I want a "make this page just text, so i can interact with it as text"

It can still copy the style, since paste without style exists, but I want shit to not move around, wiggle, or pop light boxes when i click/drag to select.

Don’t Fuck With #Scroll


#ui #ux #web (via @adactio)

Designer: "Let's put the login button next to a delete button (that doesn't confirm)".


@fosstodon Jump, jump, jump! Everybody loves content layout shift.

Really, @Gargron just happily releases this and nobody checks if it works? What happened to using multiple browsers to test? What happened to using CSS that works?

Ordered a #Fairphone 5. Was happily locked into iOS/macOS, but Apple is taking the wrong direction while Open Source solutions seem to be improving steadily. Intent to try and flash it with e/OS to be Google free, but open to other suggestions. (I care about #UX though :))

Have a meme I made myself a long time ago

I really really REALLY wish that when I comment about #Linux DE #UX people would understand:
1. This is coming from a place of love for Linux, I want it to get better
2. I'm fairly new here and WILL make mistakes
3. I'm very welcome to be corrected
4. I'm not attacking anyone

I'm a #UX expert, not a Linux expert. I'm absolutely going to say stupid things. Could I possibly go a bit slower and be more diplomatic? Sure. Could people also not freak out and assume the worst? Please.