Earth Temperature Timeline
tags: #breaking #cartoon #climatechange #globalwarming #hot #humans #ice #xkcd
'nascent particle pattern'
tags: #Anarchist #AntiTrump #Antifa #Antifascism #ClimateChange #DirectAction #Peace #activism #activist #activistmemes #anarchism #anticapitalism #anticapitalist #antiracism #antiwilders #climate #communism #communist #earthfirst #eattherich #loesje #philosophy #socialism #socialist #war
People stand up for a reason.
tags: #ClimateChange #globalwarming
January 2025 was the warmest January globally, with an average surface air temperature of 0.79°C above the 1991-2020 average for January.
January 2025 was 1.75°C above the pre-industrial level and was the 18th month in the last nineteen at more than 1.5°C above pre-industrial level.
Once again, a very high year-on-year jump of atmospheric CO₂ at Mauna Loa: +3.85 ppm for the month of January.
Already 426.65 ppm now and four months to go to this year's peak, which looks set to break the 430 ppm mark for the first time in 15 million years.
tags: #ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis #climate #environment #politics #science
A few excerpts here from an excellent op-ed piece by climate scientist Peter Gleick (@petergleick)...
It's not as though we weren’t warned. Scientists have been sounding the alarm about growing climate risks for decades. Despite repeated warnings, we have failed to adequately mitigate or adapt to climate change.
Incredibly, leading policymakers and pundits continue to deny scientific reality. In 2020, after an earlier series of devastating wildfires, then-president Donald Trump dismissed concerns over climate change, telling one California official “I don't think science knows” about global warming. “It'll start getting cooler, you just watch.”
Five increasingly hot years later, Trump is continuing to ignore the science during the Los Angeles disaster, preferring instead to point fingers at California water policy, diversity and inclusion efforts, endangered fish, and his political opponents.
These fires were unambiguously influenced by human-caused climate change. Global temperatures are accelerating upward — 2024 was the hottest year in recorded history, and all 10 of the hottest years have been in the last decade, continuing a century-long trend of warming.
Extreme hydrologic events, including floods and droughts, are accelerating, and Southern California is intensely dry. Los Angeles has received essentially no rainfall in over 10 months, with the driest start to a rainy season on record, parching soils and vegetation and setting the stage for extreme winds to intensify and spread the fires.
We know what’s coming, but we also know what to do. In addition to aggressively accelerating the energy transition away from fossil fuels, changing individual behavior, and reducing carbon emissions from other sources, we have to expand efforts to build resilience to unavoidable impacts.
Yes, we do know what to do. But the question is — WILL it ever be done?
💵 💵 Business As Usual 💵 💵
When the bottom line means more than the poverty line, when stock and bond futures are more important than our futures, when the investment climate counts for more than the actual climate, this is what you get…
Australia leads the world in arresting climate and environment protesters
By Gareth Hutchens
A new study shows more than 20 per cent of climate and environment protests in Australia lead to arrests, more than in the UK, Norway, and the United States.
#ClimateChange #ActivismandLobbying #EnvironmentalPolicy #Environment #BusinessEconomicsandFinance
tags: #climate #climatechange #earth #ev #nature #renewableenergy #renewables
Article link here for your ease of reference:
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tags: #climate #climatechange #ev #renewableenergy
Fantastic news! A universal EV “Plug and Charge” interoperable protocol will roll out in 2025.
Say goodbye to the soup of EV charging apps. The goal: just plug in & have automatic, seamless secure payment processing.
Beyond cause for rejoicing by EV owners, this is an important step towards secure vehicle-to-grid & bidirectional charging too.
tags: #charts #climatechange #dataviz #ddj
New from DW Data: Updated #charts on #climatechange. 📈 📊 🌍
Questions answered in this longread:
- Which regions emit the most CO2?
- What are the major sources of emissions?
- How have emissions developed?
- How much has the world warmed?
- How much have sea levels risen?
tags: #akwx #climatechange
When have the warmest and coldest months in Alaska occurred? Based on Berkeley Earth dataset, here's the distribution of the "top ten" warmest (red) and coldest (blue) each month 1895 to 2024. Obviously the frequency of top ten warmest months has dramatically increased in the 21st century even as frequency of top ten coldest has dwindled. #akwx #ClimateChange
tags: #ClimateChange #LoveTrees #MastoArt #abstractart #krita #protectnature #watercolour
'fractal fragments'
tags: #climatechange
Belgium should make this a permanent sculpture dedicated to climate-change-caused flooding.
Correction, NOT Valencia (thank you @dugartogo ): this is flooding in Belgium.
tags: #climate #climatechange #taxtherich #vote
"Emissions generated by the lifestyles of 50 of the world’s richest people are greater than the emissions generated by 155m people combined.
"Oxfam has called for a ban, or punitive tax, on luxury consumptions — at 90% tax or above — such as private jets, superyachts, SUVs, and frequent air travel."
tags: #ClimateChange #bikelanes #biketo #donvalleywest #toronto
Do bike lanes really cause more traffic congestion? Short answer, no. Cycling advocates have always suspected that, and now we have the proof. This CBC article goes into detail.
Brutal but also realistic.
tags: #climatechange #power #renewables
Renewable distributed power is radical. It would transform the world.
tags: #ai #cartoon #climate #climatechange #climatecrisis #energy #tech #technology
Latest comic on Big Tech's climate hypocrisy
tags: #ClimateCrisis #ClimateJustice #climate #climatechange
i dont understand why these folks in #CancerAlley dont want the 15 jobs this ammonia plant will provide
tags: #climate #climatechange #climatecrisis #space #spacex
What a set of headlines, can't get any more dystopian than that. The rich go into vanity trips into space, while the common people down below drown.
tags: #arctic #climate #climatechange #summer2024
The climate review for summer 2024 in the Arctic is now posted in the Alaska and Arctic Climate Newsletter. Spoiler: warm and wet overall (but of course not everywhere). @Climatologist49
tags: #climatechange
California achieves remarkable milestone with 100 days of 100% of electricity demands met by clean energy.
"That's a lot of energy," the commenter added. #ClimateChange