I've started combining my travel illustrations with a bit of creative writing.


We hit the streets at rush hour and fought through traffic along narrow roads, against wide busses, and between the press of cars coming across blind intersections.

Everyone in competition for a place in line to get to the places we were all going. Lots of honking. People on foot took their chances.

🧵 1/2

also let me know how i did on my alt-text and writing friends

Last night I went to bed ~14,000 words into a story. This morning I woke up with a new character (technically 2), that recontextualizes and changes every scene I've written so far, but also gives me a significant missing event to work towards.

It's better, it's harder (more of a stretch for me), and I _really_ want to see how the story plays out. I'm also not thrilled about having to basically rewrite 14,000 words. Not from scratch, but…

Fucking seriously?