For 2024, I solved Advent of Code in 25 different languages. Was a fun project, sometimes a bit (very) painful (*glances at Erlang and Zig*).

Code (bottom of post) and summary for each language:

Keep in mind that I used most of these language for a few hours tops, so my judgement is very much subjective.

What's your favourite of the bunch?

If Java had true garbage collection, most programs would delete themselves upon execution.

— Robert Sewell

I love you, Duke Java

I think the thing I find most frustrating about programming languages is that there is no standard way to refer to the length of an array.

Python, go: len(array)
Java, JavaScript: array.length
Rust: array.len()
C++: array.size()
C#: array.Length
PHP: count($array)
Perl: scalar(@array) (lmao)
Swift: array.count
Kotlin: array.size

Like, seriously? Can't we agree on just this one thing???