Oh, FFS. The irony!

There's a statement at the top of the file that says `declare(strict_types=1);`. And yet it's happily ignoring a `use` on a non-existent class.

So strict. Much declared. Very enforcing 😆

It was a terrible idea for anyone to do much more than templating with PHP!

Having to deal with a PHP issue in WooCommerce *shudders*

If I'm reading and diagnosing this right, PHP will quite happily let you write `use No\Such\Module;` and silently ignore the fact that there's no such module, as long as you don't try to invoke it?! REALLY?!

Because it looks like my error was from a constructor call that was cached but removed in updated code. Only the `use` wasn't removed. But now it doesn't error.

PHP is an awful language. And modern web apps are awful.

How come PHP is down in the bottom left? It was probably more widespread than Perl and more frequently the "P" in LAMP deployments.

There are more PHP programmers (the dot is red, compared to blue for Perl), so supply-demand balance seems in play.

But what would be the forces driving the sides of that balance? How come they balanced out so differently for Perl compared to PHP?

I think the thing I find most frustrating about programming languages is that there is no standard way to refer to the length of an array.

Python, go: len(array)
Java, JavaScript: array.length
Rust: array.len()
C++: array.size()
C#: array.Length
PHP: count($array)
Perl: scalar(@array) (lmao)
Swift: array.count
Kotlin: array.size

Like, seriously? Can't we agree on just this one thing???