Monts du Bugey, France

Nikon F4 / Nikkor AF-D 50mm f1,4 / Ilford fp4

#Baking some bread again.

Iranian #Barbari with half whole-wheat flour and seeds instead of just 100% white flour

Letting it rise for 40min before baking it. In the mean time, warming up the oven to max for it to be ready.

The Past Was Fast!

Here's #France's Aérotrain, which reached a top speed of 345 km/h, propelled by a turbojet engine and floating on a single rail, on a cushion of air.

In this race from the mid-1960s, it beat a Cessna T-337 G.

🚝 🧵

@Gargron At least this part of L'Aile ou la Cuisse (The Wing or the Thigh🍗) won't need English subtitles 😉:

One of his best movies IMHO.

Saône River, France

Hasselblad 501CM / CZ Planar 80mm / Kodak Portra 160

Rives de l'Ain, France

Nikon F4 / Nikkor AF-D 35-105mm f3,5-4,5 / Ilford fp4

Massif du mont d'Or, France

Leica M3 /Leitz summicron 50mm f2 / Kodak Tri-X


Car parks with space for 80 cars or more are now required by law to be covered with solar panels.

- Parks between 80-400 spaces have 5 years to comply
- Parks with spaces of 400+ have 3 years to comply

This will result in about 11 gigawatts of power.

This should be required everywhere!

Rue du Gros-Horloge. Rouen.
Richard Parkes Bonington, from "Voyages pittoresques et romantiques dans l'ancienne France. Ancienne Normandie," vol. 2 by A. de Cailleux, C. Nodier, J. Taylor, Paris:1829

Gorge of Royat.
Eugène Isabey, from "Voyages pittoresques et romantiques dans l'ancienne France. Auvergne," vol. 1 by A. de Cailleux, C. Nodier, J. Taylor, Paris:1829

The clock tower, Évreux.
Richard Parkes Bonington, from "Voyages pittoresques et romantiques dans l'ancienne France. Ancienne Normandie," vol. 2 by A. de Cailleux, C. Nodier, J. Taylor, Paris:1825