a little watercolor that I made

House in Zaanse Schans. Direct Watercolor. 12"x9", 140lb Arches Cold Press.

the unspoken path to another

A cat, with a scarf, again. 😾

Lake Laberge.
#Watercolour on paper, 11x14 inches.
#Watercolor #YukonArt
Painting of the day 1806.

Places I‘ll never be

I've been sketching a lot in blue lately.

New artwork and more thoughts on my process:

Fire, walk with me.

Just vibing in the sunshine đŸŽ¶ ☀

So this was supposed to be a study but i went and did my own thing (more like the watercolors went and did their own thing as usual)

Rue da Madalena, Lisbon. Direct Watercolor. 12"x9", 140lb Arches Cold Press.

After a dark, wet December in The Hague, man, did I need that wonderful sun in Portugal.

Calle Real, El Almendral. Direct Watercolor. 12"x9", 140lb Arches Cold Press.

Today’s painting. I tried for a higher horizon and a more realistic approach. Colors: ultramarine, cobalt teal, Hansa, raw sienna, burnt sienna, green gold. Brushes: 8, 2, rigger.

This is from a FB group challenge. I’m getting into the Halloween spirit.
Flight of the ravens.
#Watercolour on paper, 8x10 in. #Watercolor #YukonArt
Painting of the day 1692.

Silly owl!

A bit of Rice-A-Roni cheer on a gloomy day

Watercolor and ink

30 min gouache chicken sketch no 26. Again done using only red, white and black paint (except for the eye, which has a bit of yellow added), but this time the red was English Red rather than Scarlet Red as in the two before.

I'm quite happy how this one turned out :)

hippo painting study

Another woodland scene inspired by Superior National Forest

Along Grote Markt. Direct Watercolor. 10"x8", 140lb Arches Cold Press.

Bon, on va dire que c’est fini jusqu’à ce que j’ai l’occasion de le montrer Ă  la personne qui me l’a commandĂ©.
Un jour je ferai une BD pour expliquer comment j’ai fini avec cette foutue commande

Ruychaverstraat Corner. Direct Watercolor. 10"x8", 140lb Arches Cold Press.

I’m using my artist in the window date to repaint two paintings that were destroyed in mounting. This is the second.
Full moon over Nadahini Mtn.
#Watercolour on paper, 11x15 in. #Watercolor #YukonArt
Painting of the day #1604.

One of the „Forgotten Streets” watercolors I painted last year.

Ces crĂ©atures n’ont toujours pas de nom, mais je les appelle des « birbichettes ». On m’a dit qu’elles avaient absolument pas des tĂȘtes Ă  s’appeler des birbichettes donc si vous avez une idĂ©e n’hĂ©sitez pas Ă  proposer

You and me together - handmade watercolor painting - for all (cat) lovers...
Enjoy your weekend!

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